Wednesday, February 13, 2013

January 2013 Earnings

After the Holidays slow down sales, I'm having great sales, and more downloads day by day. January was almost a best month ever, a little short on downloads, and earnings but a very strong month. Shutterstock is always on the lead compared to all other agencies, and I got 420 downloads, and $216.05 which makes my 2nd best month ever. It could have been number one, if it weren't for the Holidays that affected the 1st week of January.

Fotolia always comes in second, and soon getting more payouts. 123RF, Deposit  Photo, and Dreamstime were slow as usual. Sales are less, and less at those 3 sites. No sales at Pocketstock, and I don't see anything good coming from this agency. Fine Art America had no sales, only one sale so far since I became a member.

I finally passed the 2,000 images mark, and now I have 2,057.  Soon, I will be reaching 5,000 downloads at Shutterstock, and close to another raise in a month or two.

My new uploads ,and best sellers: